
Ok I’m drunk… Maybe not completely drunk but I’m close enough.

The bad part about being drunk when your alone is you start thinking about shit you shouldn’t be thinking about….,

For instance I fell two days ago and my knee still hurts. Second of all why is it your head is the first thing that starts
To feel funny when your drinking. And why do you get instantly hot. Is wear I could melt the snow right now.

By the way I’m drinking pineapple coconut rum and Pepsi. I was going to make a Malibu bay breeze but I didn’t make it to the store.

And why do I have to pee so much. Lord this is to much ….. Never the less drinking tonight so be safe

It’s that time

Just leave me alone!!!! Go away and leave me alone.

Clearly my tears mean nothing to you. Doubled over in pain crying out for some relief.

Give me something …. Anything.

Hell hold me until it stops. Matter of fact don’t touch me. Don’t even look at me. Didn’t I tell you to go away.

Don’t go to far because I need you. I love you. Seriously hold me to make this pain stop. Just until I fall asleep. And hold me right: one arm across my stomach and your leg between mine. Can I get 5 minutes please!!!!!

You know what go away I got my period and I don’t want to be bothered

Heart break

Fuck this shit!!!! Fuck these emotions that pull you from the safety of the box that you built up. FUCK THIS…. To hell with this pain that fills the hole I have in my heart. What is this???? It’s like some none human emotion that is beyond any scientific cure. It’s like going through withdrawal when you never knew you were addicted to something. Craving a touch, a voice, a memory to ease the pain somewhat…. This aching feeling this…. This tremendous aching felling that just digs at you. It reminds you that the flood gates behind your eyes are waiting to flow at full force. All this brings you back to full circle and reminds you that you were in love and these are the pains of a break up


I close my eyes to inhale the scent of you. Praying for the scent to linger just a while longer. Allowing it to bring back the memories of better days and times where my smile was always present and my eyes spoke of love.

LOVE …. Love is what I wrap around my arm and try to inject it into my veins. love is what I wear as if without it my outfit isn’t complete. Love is what I’m addicted to! Feeling like I have no other options but to chase it. To go after it and find it. Feeling like without it I will be lost and incomplete. Open to deal with the hurt and the pain but with it feeling like I can mask it for a little while longer. But addicted to it none the less.